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SKKU Research & Business Foundation works with KAIPBA 2019.03.18
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March 7th, SKKU Research &Business Foundation signed a MoU with KAIPBA (Korean American Intellectual Property Bar Association) to establish the base for global expansion of SKKU’s intellectual properties.

Two institutions promised to: 1) collaborate educating about intellectual property, commercializing technology 2) share programs to support global commercialization and intellectual property in US 3) mutually cooperate in IP education for global empowerment.

SKKU will cooperate with KAIPBA to expand “Global Open Community”, which is part of the BRIDGE+ program sponsored by the Ministryo f Education. SKKU will expedite on activating global IP business such as commercialization of foreign technology, foreign patent litigation, and expansion of standard patents.

Director of Research & Business Foundation said, “With this agreement, we have established the foundation for business in US. It will reduce time and expense spent in expanding to US market and result in commercialization of large-scale foreign technology.”

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