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College of Information and Communication Eng. Won's Res. Team Nerve diagnosis and treatment purpose biodevice res. idea 2020.04.07
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College of Information and Communication Engineering Won Sang Min Professor's research team, 
Nerve diagnosis and treatment purpose biodevice research idea
- Publication of thesis in best journal in bio department, Cell April issue  

- Materialized biodevice using a mixture of material, machinery, electric research 

College of Information and Communication Engineering professor Won Sang Min’s research team declared that their research regarding nerve treatment biodevice materialization method and technology of emerging modalities and implantable technologies for neuromodulation has been published in one of the best academic journals in bio department called Cell in April edition. Professor Won suggested in the thesis the method and technology of biodevice for nerve diagnosis and treatment, and also ideas for future research plans.

Research regarding central and peripheral nerves through bio-transplantation type has provided much medical engineering evidence in understanding human behavior and diagnosing various diseases. These elements act recently as bridges to humans and machines heightening research value. International scholars are actively researching in this area.

Research team introduced various wireless communication technology that users can easily use with biofriendly device materialization method with materials and structural change. When the original wire method that required hard and large volume biodevice type was materialized to a smaller, more flexible wireless type, it became more advantageous in combining with the body in the long term. Furthermore, the research team created a small size biodevice for the purpose of nerve treatment that can become active automatically when it decides the inner body needs nerve stimulation. This guideline for neurotherapy has received much attention from international academia.

This research is an organized result of research and clinical research of Professor Won etc. international research team in the last 10 years regarding nerve diagnosis and treatment device. Professor Won has not only been in this research but have published thesis in a famous overseas journal, Nature, regarding electromyogram like bio signal measurement device.

※ Cell Thesis URL
  : https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867420302312?via%3Dihub

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