

Graduate Programs - Special

Graduate School of Confucian Studies

Confucian Studies Graduate School was founded in 1988 and divided into two specific majors within East Asian Department of Thought and Culture. Confucian Sutra and Korean Philosophy(Specific Major) aims to contribute to development of advanced national culture in this era by educating how to interpret and understand confucian sutra. Oriental Calligraphy Studies and Aesthetics(Specific Major) provide education including history of oriental calligraphy, asesthetics of oriental calligraphy, creation, and criticism. To do so, it aim to foster talented studying East Asian culture and art. Etiquette in Life and Way of Tea(Specific Major) As a researcher, the life etiquette and tea ceremony major aims at exploring Korean examples and cultures of tea ceremony, specializing in etiquette and tea ceremony for the implementation of the ceremony as a specialist, and cultivating traditional etiquette and tea ceremony culture as a cultural mission.

Graduate School of Education

The main purpose of the Graduate School of Education is to train competent educators through actual research and profound theories about pedagogy with 修己治人(self-cultivation) which is a founding principle of Sungkyunkwan University.

Graduate School of Strategic Studies

The aim of the Graduate School of Strategic Studies is to produce global leaders with problem-solving skills to survive in a fiercely competitive world in the 21st century. It teaches students problem-solving skills to develop the ability to create new strategies. Not only that, it provides on-the-job training programs. One of the most powerful advantages of the school is its pool of faculty members, which are some of the most prominent figures in their fields. In addition, it expands education opportunities for professionals by providing classes on weekends. Furthermore, the school has engaged in joint research with government education agencies by sharing their own programs and has played a key role in becoming a leading global center in Korea.

Graduate School of Information and Communications

ICI educates IT engineers to lead industrial technologies and to be advanced engineer to meet requirements from government, public institutes and industries. For the essential areas of IT, such as information security, IT consulting, Big Data, Information, and computer, up-to-date curriculum is developed and maintained to reflect rapidly changing technology environment. Excellent faculty with abundant educational and field experiences teach basic theory , advanced theory and new technologies in state-of-the-art lecture rooms to enhance field application capability, creative thinking and global competitiveness.

Gratuate School of Language and AI

SKKU’s Language and AI graduate school launched in 2025 to teach students how to critically use technological tools related to the analysis and production of language. The school is divided into the two departments of English language technology and translation. The translation department was established in 2000 and has a long history of producing experts in Korean to English and English to Korean translation. The curriculum includes training for the translation of various genres utilizing a variety of methods and tools. The English language technology department aims at producing experts who have foundational knowledge in linguistics and apply that knowledge using AI. The curriculum includes courses in general linguistics as well as big data analysis, programming and information processing. The school also encourages students to participate in convergent projects that utilizes AI for practical purposes such as English education.

Graduate School of Social Welfare

The Graduate School of Social Welfare helps students develop their abilities to apply their theories and address social welfare problems. To accomplish this, the school emphasizes on-the-job training programs based on the basic knowledge of social welfare. Recently, Korean society has gone through radical changes in globalization, polarization, low fertility rates, and family disorganization. It is also time to make changes in the field of social welfare. Therefore, in terms of overall social changes, Graduate School of Social Welfare is putting a great deal of effort into cultivating leaders who can make advances in social welfare programs as well as Korean society.

Graduate School of Clinical Nursing Science

Recently, the need for more specialized nursing personnel has increased with the necessity of providing quality medical services centered on patients, reducing medical costs, and increasing the level of medical care and the severity of patients’ conditions. The Graduate School of Clinical Nursing Science was established in 2001 to cultivate clinical experts with both professional knowledge and advanced nursing practice.

Graduate School of Business Administration(IMBA)

The Graduate School of Business Administration has the IMBA program which is Korea's highest quality on-line MBA degree program. This program is designed for students unable to participate in a program using a traditional format. The IMBA is Korea's first fully online MBA degree program.

Graduate School of Media and Culture

The demand for experts of Arts and culture sectors has sharply increased from all walks of life. Also, new businesses have been created in the field of content, international cultural exchanges and Korean Pop Culture. This trend is expected to accelerate, increasing the need of producing global managers in this sector. The aim of SKKU Culture Management Graduate School is to improve the quality of our life and seek prosperity. So, it has put a great emphasis on teaching basic theories and researching practical approaches to creating higher value-added businesses.

Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship

The Graduate School of Global Entrepreneurship is divided into the majors of Entrepreneurship and Start-up Consultation. It enhances expertise through field centered specialized programs based on theoretical research. It provides summer and winter field trips together with overseas universities (China, Japan, USA, Vietnam, etc.) and supports advanced and high-quality start-ups.

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