


Busch Korea Ltd. CEO Yoon-jin Choi signs an industry-academia collaboration agreement with the College of Engineering De 2023.07.25
  • Office of International Affairs
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Busch Korea Ltd. CEO Yoon-jin Choi signs an industry-academia collaboration agreement with the College of Engineering Development Fund

On July 21st, CEO Yoon-jin Choi (Class of '87 in Metallurgical Engineering, Master's in Systems Management Engineering in '05, CEO of Busch Korea) visited his alma mater to sign an industry-academia collaboration agreement regarding mutual research and cooperation in vacuum technology and vacuum solutions within the BUSCH group. As part of the agreement, he pledged to donate 20 million won annually for ten years, totaling 200 million won, to the 'College of Engineering Development Fund.'

The signing ceremony was attended by Mrs. Ayla Busch, the eldest daughter of the BUSCH group's founder, along with her daughter. From Busch Korea (Ltd.), CEO Yoon-jin Choi, Vice President Young-dae Choi, Director Byung-gi Kim, and Manager Jung-bin Kim were present. Representing the university were President Ji-Beom Yoo, Corporate Director Dong-hwan Lee, Dean Tae-sung Kim of the College of Engineering, Associate Deans Tae-il Kim and Jung-heon Lee of the College of Engineering, and Division Head Hyung-gyun Cho of the Department of Advanced Materials Engineering.

In his welcoming address, President Ji-Beom Yoo expressed sincere gratitude to Mrs. Ayla Busch and her family for visiting their university directly from the headquarters in Germany. He also extended deep gratitude to CEO Yoon-jin Choi from the Korean branch for supporting the College of Engineering. He promised to do his best in nurturing outstanding talents in line with the spirit of their support. Additionally, he asked Dean Tae-sung Kim of the College of Engineering to actively engage in cooperative programs, joint research, and exchanges as outlined in the agreement.

Following the signing ceremony, the attendees concluded the event with a tour of the N Center and the Joint Equipment Center, and they had a luncheon together.

Meanwhile, CEO Yoon-jin Choi, who graduated from the university's Metallurgical Engineering department in '87 and obtained his bachelor’s degree in engineering in 1994, pursued a Master's degree in Systems Management Engineering at the Graduate School of Science and Technology in 2005 and received his Master's degree in Engineering in 2007. His advisor was Professor Sang-do Noh.

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