


Confucianism Humanity Education Center, Organizes Character Education Experience Week 'Character WEEK' 2023.05.23
  • Office of International Affairs
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Confucianism Humanity Education Center, Organizes Character Education Experience Week 'Character WEEK'

-Activities such as Kyeyoungbae Experience and Calligraphy Writing of Character Quotes were conducted

-Notable for approaching students in a friendly manner by adding cultural elements

Confucianism Humanity Education Center (Director Prof. Cheon Sung Lee) announced that it held the Character Education Experience Week program, 'Character WEEK,' for two days from May 11th (Thurs) at the Gold Lawn Square and the 1st floor of the Business Building on the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus.

This event was planned in conjunction with the university festival, incorporating recreational and cultural programs. Particularly noteworthy were activities that captured the interest of the new generation, such as the Kyeyoungbae Experience, which conveys the meaning of moderation, respect, and self-restraint, as well as calligraphy writing of character quotes.

Through the Kyeyoungbae Experience, which symbolizes holding against excess, students had the opportunity to learn about restraint, respect, and consideration, and to write famous sayings and phrases in proper handwriting, learning the virtue of mutual respect.

A student who participated said, "It was great to be able to learn proper drinking etiquette in celebration of May's Coming-of-Age Day, and while writing calligraphy, I was able to think about responsibility once again."

A representative from the Confucianism Humanity Education Center stated, "We were able to approach the students with a friendly program that suited the festival's characteristics," and expressed plans to cultivate the students' character through cultural elements in the future.

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