


University Press, 2023 The National Academy of Sciences of Korea Four Outstanding Academic Books Selected 2023.07.24
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University Press, Four Outstanding Academic Books Selected for 2023 The National Academy of Sciences of Korea

Our university's publication department has had four of its books selected for the National Academy of Sciences of Korea, Outstanding Academic Books, organized by the National Academy.

The Korea Academy of Sciences selects excellent academic books in fields such as humanities, social sciences, Korean studies, and natural sciences each year to promote research and authorship activities in fundamental academic disciplines. This year, out of approximately 3,000 submissions, 299 final works were chosen.

Among the selected books from the University Press are the following four:

△"The Political Philosophy of Private Property" by Professor Kim Bi-hwan from the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy. △"<Japanese Colonial Picture Postcards, Cultural Politics of Poetry and Images>" by Professor Choi Hyun-sik from Inha University's Department of Korean Language Education. △"<An Apology for Those Who Harbor Hatred>" by Professor Eom Han-chin from Hallym University's Department of Sociology. △<Economic Fluctuations and Markets in Qing Dynasty China>" by Professor Hong Sung-hwa from Busan 

University's Department of History Education.

▲ "The Political Philosophy of Private Property" by Professor Kim Bi-hwan from the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy

Professor Kim Bi-hwan from the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy explores two interconnected purposes in his book "The Political Philosophy of Private Property." One is to deeply analyze the property theories of representative Western philosophers such as Aristotle, Locke, Kant, Hegel, Marx, Bentham, John Stuart Mill, and Rawls to identify the moral and political nature of property rights and gain normative insights to seek a desirable ownership system.

The other purpose is to dismantle the popular belief in absolute property rights—a so-called "ownership myth"—that prevails in capitalist societies. By doing so, the book supports the reform of distorted property structures that underlie various social ills such as poverty, social conflicts, and the erosion of democracy. The interpretation of the major philosophers' theories on property rights provided in this book offers the theoretical basis necessary to dismantle the ownership myth.

▲ from left <Japanese Colonial Picture Postcards, Cultural Politics of Poetry and Images> by Professor Choi Hyun-sik, <An Apology for Those Who Harbor Hatred> by Professor Eom Han-chin,  <Economic Fluctuations and Markets in Qing Dynasty China>" by Professor Hong Sung-hwa

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