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The 3rd Creative Bridge Festival (CBF) Completed under Success 2022.11.29
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The 3rd Creative Bridge Festival (CBF) Completed under Success

SKKU Convergence Institute for Culture, Arts, and Media (SCI-CAM) and SKKU Start-up Support Center held the main Demo-day of the 2022 Creative Bridge Festival in Chang-shin Art Gallery (Former Jongno Public Community Center) on November 18th.

Having its 3rd anniversary this year, the 2022 Creative Bridge Festival is an integrated contents field start-up/creation contest, collecting 136 ideas from 22 universities across the country. This year, especially, the contest focused on connection to regional communities that are facing hardships after COVID-19, and more emphasis was put on the coexistence with regions through contents.

The event began with the celebration video message from President Dong Ryeol Shin, and a welcoming speech from the head of SCI-CAM, Seung Hwan Song, along with the preliminary evaluation on October 21st and highlights of mentoring idea-thon on November 4th.

President Shin, said, “SKKU will support young people's infinite possibilities and strive to discover community innovation and excellent convergence content Through the Creative Bridge Festival, we want to take the lead in fostering global core leaders and convergence talent.”

The Head of SCI-CAM, Seung Hwan Song, encouraged participants saying, “For true convergence, the process of collaborating with people from different fields is essential. I hope that the convergence content, start-up, and creative fields will develop further based on the festival.”

In the following event, the idea presentations of 7 teams that had made it through finals proceeded. For the evaluation, the judges assessed the ideas fair with deep perspectives and insights that read the trend. The judges were: Soo Yeon Jung (Senior consultant of Hana Ventures), Bom Kim (CEO of Stage Plus B), Nam Yeol Oh (CEO of Think About), Chul Hyun Eom (CEO of Sharing Angels), Kwang Jong Yoo (CEO of Jongno Cultural Foundation), and director Yong Je Kim (President of the Korean Performance Producer Association).

The first prize went to SKKU team (Jiseong Eun, Heesoo Min, Seoyoung Yune, Soyeong Jang, Yoonsun Roh), and the second prize was awarded to Bukyong National University team and Seonghyeon Heo (SKKU). The third prize went to Yoonjung Park (Yonsei University), Seungwon Lee (Dong Yang Mirae University), Yongwoon Kim (SKKU), SKKU Media Communications team (Jiseon Lim, Minsong Kim, Hajin Kim, Yoona Song), and Minjo Kim (SKKU).

▲ The first prize winner

For the prizes and benefits of the contest, the first place receives KRW 10 million (SKKU President Award), the second place receives KRW 3 million each for two teams (SKKU Campus Town Business Group Award), and the third place receives KRW one million each for four teams (SKKU SCI-CAM Award). The awardee teams were all provided to use Kingo Start-up shared office, managed by SKKU Campus Town.

▲ (left) second prize winners / (right) third prize winners

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