

SKKU News - University

The 22nd SKKU President, Jibeom Yoo 2023.01.06
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The 22nd SKKU President Jibeom Yoo’s inauguration ceremony was held at the Millennium Hall of the 600th Anniversary Hall on January 2nd (Mon).

About 1,000 people attended this ceremony, including Joonyoung Kim (Chairman of Board), Dong Ryeol Shin (Former SKKU president), Youngtaek Yoon (SKKU alumni president), VIPs, and SKKU faculty/staff.

In order to continue the ‘Inspiring Future and Grand Challenge’, President Yoo emphasized that he would expand △ Responding to the era of the 4th industrial revolution △Establishing a leading platform for new industries △ Strengthening industry-university cooperation △ Value management based on mutual respect.

President Yoo expressed his high ambition, saying, “We will supplement the education system so that students can realize their various dreams to their heart’s content, and we will establish a data and convergence education system to nurture talents who can meet the era of the 4th industrial revolution represented by artificial intelligence and big data.”

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