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Sungkyun Institute of China Studies – Korea Foundation signed a joint research 2023.04.20
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Views : 4416
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Sungkyun Institute of China Studies – Korea Foundation signed a joint research

On April 11 (Tuesday), the Korea Foundation (Chairman Ki-hwan Kim, KF) signed a joint research contract with the Sungkyun Institute of China Studies of the Academy of East Asian Studies (Director Hee-ok Lee). With this contract, the two organizations plan to promote various programs such as the "A Forum comprised of 100 Chinese Graduate Students in Korea," the Korea-Taiwan Think Tank Policy Discussion”, “ the Korea-China Journalist Dialogue" and others in 2023.

Starting with the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Korea and China in 2017, the Sungkyun Institute of China Studies and the Korea Foundation have successfully conducted various cooperative projects and joint research every year, becoming an important axis of the platform for academic policy between Korea and China. Until now, the two institutions have gained attention for their achievements such as △ enhancing the level of understanding of Korean international students in Korea through joint research and projects △ securing main channels for exchanges of major media companies and journalists.

Hee-ok Lee, head of the research institute, said, "We will continue to make efforts to expand Chinese research through joint research and cooperation projects with the Korea Foundation."

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