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Confucianism Humanity Education Center, Successful Completion of the 2023 Summer Break and Character Camp 2023.08.16
  • Office of International Affairs
  • Views : 4245
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Confucianism Humanity Education Center, Successful Completion of the 2023 Summer Break and Character Camp

Confucianism Humanity Education Center (Director Professor Cheon-seung Lee) held an English and Character camp from July 31st (Monday) to August 11th (Friday) at the Hoam Hall on the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus, in collaboration with the Jongno-gu Office.

The '2023 Summer Vacation English and Character Camp' is a program designed to realize the Sungkyun character profile of a creative global leader based on Sungkyunkwan University's excellent educational infrastructure. A total of 49 students selected from 13 elementary schools and 9 middle schools in the Jongno-gu district participated in the camp, receiving native English experiential learning and character education. Participants who fulfilled attendance requirements of over 70% were also issued completion certificates.

Under the theme of "Around the World," this camp included education on topics such as △ World Cultural Heritage △ Etiquette in Different Countries △ Global Endangered Animals. Participants were divided into four groups and engaged in camp activities under the guidance of native English-speaking instructors, covering four areas: Speaking, Listening, Writing, and Reading.

Each day, diverse character programs introduced Korean traditional culture in English and carried out activities to enhance character traits based on community living. Activities like <Greetings and Etiquette> and <Taekkyeon> emphasized consideration and respect, <Guided Learning> focused on cooperation, and <Gratitude Letters to Parents> taught filial piety and communication skills, enhancing participants' interest. <Exploring Sungkyunkwan> aimed to strengthen the capacity of creative global leaders by applying the values of tangible and intangible heritage from traditional culture through visits to the campus museum.

Participating students shared their impressions, with one saying, "Thanks to the enjoyable lessons by native English teachers, I became interested in studying English and had precious moments experiencing Korean culture through various character programs." Another participant expressed the desire to join the winter vacation camp, stating, "I made new friends and had a great time with kind mentor teachers, and I want to participate in the winter vacation camp too."

Parents also expressed their satisfaction. The parent of a student who attended the camp said, "It was a good experience for my child to receive character education along with English learning through the English camp, which is essential for their growth."

Jongno-gu partially subsidized the participation fee per person at KRW 800,000 to alleviate the financial burden on residents, offering 50% for multi-child households and full support for low-income families. Sungkyunkwan University provided quality education through verified native English professors, character education instructors, and current student FG mentors.

A representative from the center stated, "We plan to continue conducting native English and character camps for students to enhance their English skills and character development. The winter vacation camp is scheduled to be held in January 2024."

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