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The 11th Sungkyun International Solar Forum (SISF 2023) will be held 2023.10.31
  • Office of International Affairs
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The 11th Sungkyun International Solar Forum (SISF 2023) will be held

-Establishing itself as a global forum for research in the field of perovskite solar cells

-Providing a platform for discussions among world-renowned scholars in the field of future energy science and technology

-Featuring lectures by around 30 globally renowned scholars from 14 countries

The 11th Sungkyun International Solar Forum will take place for three days from November 1st (Wed) to the 3rd (Fri) at the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus 600th Anniversary Hall. This forum will focus on high-efficiency solar cells, light-emitting components, and semiconductor components using perovskite materials being researched for future renewable energy.

Celebrating its 11th edition, the Sungkyun International Solar Forum has established itself as a prominent global science and technology forum where leading scholars and technologists in the field of next-generation solar cells gather to share their year's research achievements.

Perovskite solar cells are being pioneered by researchers in South Korea. Professor Namkyu Park, the Chairman of the Sungkyun Solar Forum Organizing Committee and Dean of the Sungkyun Energy Science and Technology Institute, is a pioneer and foremost expert in the field of high-efficiency perovskite solar cells, having developed the solid-state perovskite solar cells as the world's first, currently leading the field. Perovskite is not only replacing conventional solar cell materials but is also a material applicable in various advanced technological fields, being considered a candidate for the Nobel Prize annually.

The organizers of the forum have announced significant participation of domestic experts in the related field, along with numerous globally recognized scholars. Around 30 scholars from both domestic and international backgrounds, hailing from 12 countries, including internationally recognized experts like Michael Grätzel, a professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and Sungkyun Energy Science and Technology Institute, the editor of the American Chemical Society's Energy Letters and professor at the University of Notre Dame, Prashant Kamat, Anders Hagfeldt, the Vice-Chancellor at Uppsala University in Sweden, and Hiroshi Segawa, a specialist in next-generation solar cells from the University of Tokyo, are invited as speakers. Expectations for extensive discussions range from innovative advancements in solar cell technology to revolutionary technical developments over the next 10 years and discussions on research, technological development, and commercialization from fundamental science.

Link to the Sungkyun International Solar Forum homepage (click)

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