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Prof. Sung Hoon GONG of the Dept. of Fine Art Received Fine Art Award by Daegu Museum of Art 2018.10.26
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<버드나무1, 2 ,3  227.3x181.8cm Oil on Canvas 2015>

Daegu Museum of Art selected Prof. Sung Hoon GONG as the winner of the 19th ‘Lee In-Sung Fine Art Prize’ and will hold the award ceremony on November 2nd (Friday) at 4:00PM.

‘Lee In-sung Art Prize’ is a award established by Daegu City in 1999 to honor the art world of Lee In Sung (Daegu, 1912-1950) and his high artistic spirit which contributed to the development of Korean art.

Daegu Art Museum selected 5 finalist nominees through the recommendation committee composed of 5 experts in the field of art, and selected Sung Hoon GONG as the final winner.

Prof. Sung Hoon GONG majored in western painting at Seoul National University and is participating actively in domestic/international exhibitions.

The awards ceremony will be held at the Daegu Art Museum on November 2 at 4 pm. In addition to the Lee In Sung Art Trophy, the winner will hold a solo show at Daegu Art Museum next year and have receive support including online and offline promotions.

<절벽(담배피우는 남자) 227.3x181.8cm Oil on Canvas 2013>

<파도 227.3x181.8cm Oil on Canvas 2014>

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