

SKKU News - Professor

Prof. Daehoe AHN’s translation of 18th century book on financial technology has been published 2019.08.19
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18th century book “Haedonghwasik” claims that affluence is virtue while poverty is immoral. This book was published after being translated by Prof. Daehoe AHN.


The original author Jaewoon LEE (1721~1782) divorced from the Confucian ideology which vilify the pursuit of fortune. The author claimed that pursuing affluence is very natural just like how dry firewood is good for starting a fire. His arguments are very shocking in the Joseon era when there were many prejudice against merchants and rich man.


The book is consisted of biographies of 9 rich man in Joseon dynasty. Each story shows how different figures worked hard to accumulate great fortune. Prof. AHN said, “Jaewoon LEE’s arguments were considered rebellious and dangerous at the time. It was an idea that can shake the foundation of Joseon society. The book unfortunately came out too ahead of time.”


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