

SKKU News - Professor

by Prof. Park Sojeong is Now Available on Coursera 2021.03.02
  • Office of International Relations
  • Views : 9733
게시글 내용

<Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture>

by Prof. Park Sojeong is Now Available on Coursera

A <Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture> course by Prof. Park Sojeong (Dept. of Confucian Studies, Eastern Philosophy and Korean Philosophy) is now released on one of the Global MOOC platforms, ‘Coursera’. Coursera has founded since 2012, and is the world’s largest online open class platform with about 77 million learners.

The <Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture> is the first Korean philosophy course introduced in Coursera, and the basic contents of Korean philosophy are provided in English for foreign learners around the world who are interested in Korean culture. This course is an extension of the <Introduction to Korean Philosophy> course, which has been run by the UK MOOC platform “FutureLearn” since June 2020. It also includes more information than existing courses.

The course demonstrates the characteristics of Korean philosophy in comparison with Western philosophy and Chinese philosophy, while exploring the interesting philosophical elements behind Korean language and culture through past and present examples. It is expected to provide new insights into Korean culture not only for foreign learners but also for domestic learners unfamiliar with Korean philosophy.

The course is available on Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/learn/introduction-to-korean-philosophy-and-culture). The learners who completes the 4-week program can receive Shareable Certificate provided by Coursera. (Refer Coursera homepage for more details)

 [Image 1] <Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture> course on Coursera

[Image 2] <Introduction to Korean Philosophy and Culture> course on Coursera


[Image 3] <Introduction to Korean Philosophy> course on FutureLearn

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