

SKKU News - Student

Department of Media & Communication opens ‘VR Space’ 2022.05.12
  • 대외협력.홍보팀
  • Views : 8181
게시글 내용

Department of Media & Communication opens ‘VR Space’

SKKU Department of Media &Communication opened VR Space where students can produce realistic contentusing VR/AR technology. VR space is composed of various equipment used to design / produce realistic contents which students can use freely in and out of classes, such as Oculus Quest 2, an All-in-one headset, high-performance GPU computer, 360-degree camera, and authentic audio set.

Department of Media & Communications has been managing various innovation classes to foster professionals who can design and express creative, realistic content based on VR/AR’s authentic media: Metaverse & Communication, Metaverse and Contents Business, Media UX Design, Media Contents Design Theory.

These classes enhance the practical competence of students by actually producing and testing realistic content for solving various social problems in these fields of environment, health, public safety, natural disaster, and education.

The Department of Media & Communications plans to support students’ realistic content contest participation and start-ups enthusiastically. Also, the department would merge the industry educational programs into the curriculum to continue focusing on fostering professionals, including practical experience in field business, internships, and expert seminars.

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