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College of Economics held the Wooseok Chung Ho Scholarship Awards Ceremony 2023.05.09
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College of Economics held the Wooseok Chung Ho Scholarship Awards Ceremony

On May 4 (Thursday), the College of Economics held the Wooseok Chung Ho Scholarship Awards Ceremony for the first semester of the 2023 school year at the Global R&E Lounge on the fifth floor of the International Hall of the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus. Dean Sung-hyun Kim, president of the College of Economics, awarded scholarships to students on behalf of CEO Jeong Seo-jin, Hwashin Co., Ltd.

Dean Sung-hyun Kim, head of the economics department Mr. Hyun-jeol Kim, head of statistics department Mr. Jae-jik Kim, head of the global economics department Mr. Jae-sung Choi, and nine scholarship students attended the event.

The Wooseok Chung Ho Scholarship Fund aims to help junior students contribute to society and grow into talents who lead the Republic of Korea, and a total of 426 students have been awarded scholarships since 2012. A total of 14 scholarships worth 28 million won were given to 13 economics schools and one business school this semester.

김성현 학장은 축사를 통해 "우석정호장학금은 경제대학에서 가장 규모가 큰 장학금이며 故 정호 회장과 그 아들이신 정서진 사장에게 깊은 감사를 느낀다."며 "장학생들도 장차 사회의 기둥이 되어 우리 대학의 후배들을 이끌어주기를 바란다."고 전했다.

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