


[일반] [세미나]Digital Civics: Infrastructuring Participatory Citizenship 최종 수정일 : 2018.06.27
  • 이상원
게시글 내용
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) 및 Digital Design 분야의 세계적인 석학인 Patrick Olivier교수를 모시고 다음과 같이 세미나를 개최합니다. 

관심있는 교수님, 연구자 및 학생들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다. 

제목: Digital Civics: Infrastructuring Participatory Citizenship
연사: Prof. Patrick Olivier (Open Lab, Newcastle University, UK) 

일시: 2018년 6월 28일(화) 오전 10시 
장소: N센터, 86126호

This talk is about a research initiative in “Digital Civics” proposing the use of digital technologies in the provision of relational models of public services, that is, models that take as a starting point the potential of digital technologies to support citizen-focused sharing of knowledge, experience and resources. Digital Civics research is inherently cross-disciplinary, action-oriented and place-based, and this requires us to configure ourselves differently to the communities with whom we conduct our research. In this talk I will be describing examples of our digital civics research, from applications in community engagement and education to public health and social justice, as well as the trajectory and pragmatics of the overall endeavour. 

*첨부파일 참고

문의: 기계공학부 이상원 교수 (sangwonl@skku.edu, 031-290-7467)
이전글 2018학년도 2학기 삼성드림클래스 주중주말교실 강사 추가선발안내
다음글 [K-ICT창업멘토링센터]'18년도 하반기 전담멘티(11기) 모집 안내
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