


반도체융합공학과 「Image sensor pixel design for efficient information sensing」 세미나 개최 안내 최종 수정일 : 2023.12.19
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게시글 내용
반도체융합공학과에서 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최합니다. 
학생 및 관심있는 분들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다. 

「Image sensor pixel design for efficient information sensing」

* 연사: 이지원 교수(한양대학교(ERICA) 나노광전자학과)
* 초록
 : Image sensors are now ubiquitous. Continued development of image sensors over the past decades has improved their characteristics dramatically, and they have become an integral part of our lives in consumer electronics, industrial applications, automotive and security. Thanks to the evolution of information processing, image sensors are now expanding their applications even further, from traditional color imaging using visible light to information gathering using near-infrared (NIR) and short-wave infrared (SWIR). In this presentation, various image sensor pixel technologies for efficient information sensing will be presented, with an emphasis on the presenter's personal achievements. NIR efficient time-resolving pixels will be introduced followed by quantum dot (QD) based image sensor technologies for cost-efficient, high-resolution SWIR imaging. Finally, a thin-film pinned photodiode pixel structure is presented, which enriches image sensor technology by dramatically improving the image quality of thin-film based image sensors.

* 일시: 2023.12.21. (목) 14 ~ 15시
* 장소: 제1공학관 22211호
* 신청: 반도체융합공학과 행정실 'khj1840@skku.edu' e-mail로 신청 / 031-290-5869
반도체융합공학과 세미나 안내
이전글 2023 문화예술미디어융합원 & 트랜스미디어연구소 국제심포지엄 개최
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