


서비스디자인 컨퍼런스 - 5월27일 수요일 최종 수정일 : 2015.05.26
  • 김용세
게시글 내용
서비스융합디자인 협동과정 BK특화인재양성사업단과 
창의적디자인연구소가 주관하고
서비스디자인 이노베이션 학회 준비위원회와
Service Design based Business Innovation Network(SDBIN)이 주최하는
Korea Conf. on Service Design 2015를 아래와 같이 개최합니다. 

일시: 2015년 5월 27일(수요일) 오전 9:30 - 오후 6:00
장소: 성균관대 서울캠퍼스 600주년기념관 6층 첨단강의실

참석을 원하는 성균관대 학부 및 대학원생 학생들은
아래 이메일 주소로 성명, 전공, 학년, 전화번호 등을 보내 참가신청바랍니다.

참가신청: 김혜미 연구원 since817@skku.edu

컨퍼런스 프로그램


9:30 -  9:40 	Opening

Service Design for Value Creation

9:40 - 10:10  	The Art of Moving Abroad
                        James Muscat, Jungeun Kim (Moviinn, Portugal)
10:10 - 10:40	Service Design at Politecnico di Milano
                        Beatrice Villari (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
10:40 - 11:10	Presenting the Value Creation Canvas for Servitisation
                        Adri? Garcia i Mateu (Holon, Spain)

11:10 - 11:25	Coffee Break

Service Design for Business Innovation

11:25 - 11:45	Comparative Analysis of Manufacturing Servitization Processes
                        Heeju Lee, Yong Se Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
11:50 - 12:10	Extraction and Visualization of Industrial Service Portfolios 
                        by Text Mining of 10-K Annual Reports
                        Jihwan Lee, Yoo S. Hong (Seoul National University, Korea)
12:10 - 12:30	Anaysis of Profitability and Revenue Sharing Model between Participants 
                        in the Manufacturing Servitization BM
                        Yong Won Seo (Chung-Ang University)
12:30 - 12:45	PSS Design Based on Service Encounter Technology
                        Geunwan Park (Sungkyunkwan University)
12:45 - 1:05	Product-Service Integration Elements to Support Manufacturing Servitization
                        Ji Hoon Kim, Yong Se Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)

1:05 - 2:00	Lunch

Service Design for Social Innovation

2:00 - 2:20	Service Design for China’s Urbanization Transformation
                        Gao Bo (Tongji University, China)
2:20 - 2:40	Social Innovation Powered by Service Design
                        Xiaojing Huang, Gabriele Tempesta (Yang Design, China)
2:40 - 3:00	Contributing Back: Empathetic Approaches and Collaborative Design Processes
                        Lee Shaari (M?nster University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
3:00 - 3:20	Service Design Methods for Social Innovation for Municipal Parks
                        Seong-hye Lee (Team Interface)
3:20 - 3:40	Service Design Methodology for Traditional Markets
                        Heji Jeong, Chang K. Cho (Almaden Design Research, Inc) 

3:40 - 4:00       Coffee Break

Service Design for Health and Personal Care
4:00 - 4:20	Product-Service System Total Design 
                        through High Value Cosmetics Brand Development
                        Myoung Hwa Hong (Design BNR Co.)
4:20 - 4:40	A Study on ICT industry Customer Journey Map’s Experience Phase 
                        Na Rae Kim (Ahn Graphics Ltd.)
4:40 - 5:00	Classification of Healthcare Service Design Cases
                        Suzuki Kumiko, Yong Se Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)
5:00 - 5:20	Health Check-Up Service Design for Bundang Seoul National Univ. Hospital
                        Eunkyoung Park (Sungkyunkwan University)

5:30 - 6:00	Closing Discussion

이전글 5월 SERIPro 스파크세미나 안내(세상을 바꾸는 아이디어)
다음글 (인사캠) 유학생 보험카드 수령 공지
  • 상기 콘텐츠 담당