


[채용/모집] PhD Opportunities for SKKU Students at the University of Tübingen - No Tuition Fees, English-Language Programs 최종 수정일 : 2024.05.17
  • 국제교류팀
게시글 내용
The University of Tübingen is offering a diverse range of PhD projects, 
specifically designed for Korean students from our partner universities. 

Here are some key benefits that may interest SKKU students:
1. No Tuition Fees: Students are not required to pay tuition fees, making the pursuit of a PhD at our university more accessible.
2. English-Language Programs: All PhD studies can be conducted entirely in English, ensuring a smooth transition for international students.
3. Simplified Application Process: We have streamlined the application process to make it easier for Korean students to apply and get started with their studies.
4. International and Interdisciplinary Research Environment: The University of Tübingen is known for its vibrant research community, fostering international collaboration and interdisciplinary work.

The information can also be accessed on our web page: https://uni-tuebingen.de/de/264195

Inquiry Contact: iryna.shalaginova@uni-tuebingen.de
South Korea_PhDs
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