


융합디자인 세미나-월요일 오후 6:30 최종 수정일 : 2014.04.06
  • 김용세
게시글 내용
성균관대 서비스융합디자인 협동과정(Service Design Institute) 
창의적디자인연구소(Creative Design Institute)는 
Cultural Design, Emotional Design, Experience Design 주제로 
서비스융합디자인 미니 심포지움을 개최합니다. 

일시: 	2014년 4월 7일(월요일) 오후 6:30 ? 8:00
장소: 	성균관대 서울캠퍼스 다산경제관 32-211호 화상강의실
	       (수원캠퍼스 제2공학관 26-106호 화상강의실 화상연결)

Designing Culture into Product: Turning Art into Business 

Professor Rungtai Lin
Chairman, Taiwan Design Center
Graduate School of Creative Design Industry
National Taiwan University of Arts

Understanding the business models for creative industries and helping designers to design “culture” into products are important. The talk will show how, by enhancing the original meaning and images, cultural features can be transformed into modern products that meet the needs of the contemporary consumer market. (Professor Rungtai Lin)

User Experience in the Era of Internet as Experience 

Professor Hsien-Hui Tang
Department of Industrial and Commercial Design
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology

The speech first addresses how internet changes daily lives and what major international companies sell currently to illustrate user experience and service design with cases. Second, the distinction and fusion between experience and service are explained. Finally, the potential opportunities of user experience in future internet era. (Professor Hsien-Hui Tang)

이전글 (외부) 2014 새내기 장애학생 학습보조기구 신청안내
다음글 (SAINT) 전문가초청특강 -김형준 박사 (4/10)
  • 상기 콘텐츠 담당