


Overseas Convergence Project with the New Mexico State University to Address Global Social Issues 2023.12.07
  • Office of International Affairs
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Overseas Convergence Project with the New Mexico State University to Address Global Social Issues

Held under the theme of 'Sustainable Innovation: Ideas For a Better World

The Knowledge Center for Innovative Higher Education (KCIHE), led by Director Se-young Lee, collaborated with New Mexico State University from November 25 to December 3 to organize an overseas convergence project on the theme of "Sustainable Innovation: Ideas for a Better World."

This project provided an opportunity for students from our university and the New Mexico State University to explore creative approaches to addressing global social issues, with a focus on the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Participating students, representing diverse academic fields such as humanities, sociology, economics, environmental science, and engineering, integrated their knowledge to apply design thinking methodology. They analyzed and proposed solutions to complex global issues, including ▲ inclusive and equitable education ▲ mitigation of domestic and international inequalities ▲ creation of inclusive and safe cities ▲ establishment of sustainable consumption and production patterns. Participants also created social change video content to convey social messages and enhance awareness, planning to share them through social media platforms.

The project emphasized the importance of cultural diversity and global citizenship awareness. Students with multicultural backgrounds expanded their global mindset through collaboration, gaining an understanding and respect for each other's cultures. Through visits to overseas universities, attending lectures, and collaborative projects, students further developed their global citizenship skills.

▲Compilation of the first prize-winning work video

The project received attention from foreign media. Major news outlets and education-focused publications extensively covered the innovative approach and creative results of the project. The diverse solutions developed by students and their societal impact garnered significant attention.

Se-young Lee, Director of the Knowledge Center for Innovative Higher Education (KCIHE), stated, "This project contributed to developing a profound understanding of global issues and fostering innovative thinking beyond simple academic experiences." She added, "Students learned to collaborate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds, understanding and respecting each other's perspectives, which are crucial qualities for global leaders."

▲ Compilation of overseas press coverage videos

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