Vision and goal

Operation Period: September of 2020 to August of 2027
Graduate students participating in the BK21 project group from each graduate school department, would get a scholarship as below;
- at least 1000,000 won per month for master's degree students
- at least 1,600,000 won per month for Ph.D. students
- at least 1,300,000 won per month for Ph.D. students who completed course work
※ Master’s/doctoral-integration students are regarded as a master’s degree student for two years from the admission and regarded as a doctoral degree student from their third year. And the scholarship will be applied accordingly.
Graduate students who are under the supervision of professors participating in BK21 project group and can devote more than 40 hours a week to the project-related research and classes
- Master’s degree students less than two years from the admission
- Ph.D. students less than four years from the admission
- Master/doctoral-integration students less than six years from the admission
Project Groups
Humanities and Social Sciences Campus
- Confucian, Eastern & Korean Philosophy
3T (Tradition, Translocality, Transdisciplinarity) R&E Project Group based on Confucian, Eastern, and Korean Philosophy
Group leader: Prof. KIM, DOIL - Korean Language and Literature
Education and Research Group of Korean Language and Literature for Innovation, Commons and Justice
Group leader: Prof. CHEON, JUNGHWAN - English Language and Literature
A Project for Education and Research in Interaction English Studies in the Era of AI
Group leader: Prof. LEE, HANJUNG
- History
Historical Education & Research Commission for Knowledge Circulation
Group leader: Prof. PARK, JAE WOO - Korean Literature in Classical Chinese
Project for Studying East Asian Classics and Educating Future Scholars
Group leader: Prof. KIM, YONG TAI - Social Entrepreneurship and Humanistic Future Studies
Social Innovative Entrepreneurship Education based on Future Humanities
Group leader: Prof. HONG, KYUNG ZOON - Public Administration
Toward Empathic Innovation: Through Platform Governance Education & Research Programs
Group leader: Prof. NAM, TAEWOO - Convergence for Social Innovation
Data-Based Social Innovation Education & Research Group for Closing Multiple Gaps and Realizing Sustainable Society
Group leader: Prof. CHUNG, JAE EUN - Psychology
Psychology Education & Research Team for Promoting the Symbiotic Flourishing of Individuals and the Community
Group leader: Prof. CHOI, HOON SEOK - Social Welfare
Education and Research Team for Collaborative Development of Social Services through Social Innovation
Group leader: Prof. HAN, CHANG KEUN - Economics
Education & Research Program for Sound Growth of the Korean Economy in the Digital Era
Group leader: Prof. KIM, SUNGHYUN - Business Administration
Center for Future Leaders in Cross Management
Group leader: Prof. Jong-Min Oh - FinTech
FinTech Research & Education Center for Global Leaders in Financial Innovation
Group leader: Prof. SONG , KYO JIK - Department of Human-Artificial Intelligence Interaction
Bigdata Research and Education Group for Enhancing Social Connectedness Through Advanced Data Technology and Interaction Science Research
Group leader: Prof. KIM, JANGHYUN
Natural Sciences Campus
- Biological Sciences
Education and Research Center for Global Bio Expert
Group leader: Prof. YOON, HWAN SU - Mathematics
Mathematical science division for fostering excellent next leaders
Group leader: Prof. KIM, CHANGHEON - Physics
Global-local Problem-Solving Physics Leader Developments Educational Research Division
Group leader: Prof. KANG, DAE-JOON - Chemistry
Chemical Science HRD Center for Student Success
Group leader: Prof. Doo-Hyun Ko - Electrical and Computer Engineering
ducation & Research Institute for Sustainable ICT Future Human Resources
Group leader: Prof. JEON, BYEUNGWOO - Chemical Engineering
Global Leader Education Center of Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Development
Group leader: Prof. CHAE, HEEYEOP - Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
HumanTech Materials-based Global Elite Cultivation Center for Student Success
Group leader: Prof. JUNG,HYUNSUK - Mechanical Engineering
Future HRD Education and Research Center for Human-Centered Convergence Mechanical Solution
Group leader: Prof. RYU, CHANG KOOK - Industrial Engineering
Education and Research Group for Autonomous Smart Factory
Group leader: Prof. NOH, SANG DO - Global Smart City
Global Frontiers of Resilient EcoSmart City
Group leader: Prof. PARK,SEUNGHEE - Department of Smart Fab. Technology
Innovative Human Resource Education Center for Smart Fab. Technology
KO,HANSEO - Pharmacy
Education and Research Center for Fostering Pharmaceutical Researchers toward Leading Innovative Growth
Group leader: Prof. KIM, HYUNGSIK - Biopharmaceutical Convergence
Total Periodic Education Center for Innovative Bio-therapeutics Based on Cluster of Industry, University, Research Institute and Hospital
Group leader: Prof. CHUNG, SANGJEON - Sport Science
Innovative Leaders for Technology Based Proactive Healthcare
Group leader: Prof. CHANG, KYUNG-RO - Medicine
Global Education & Research Program for Systems Precision Medicine
Group leader: Prof. KIM, KYEONG KYU - Energy Science
Center for fostering renewable energy integrated system researcher
Group leader: Prof. YOON, WON SUB - Nano Science and Technology
Education research group for nano-convergence based advanced materials
Group leader: Prof. LEE, SUNG JOO - Intelligent Precision Healthcare Convergence
Graduate Program of Next-Generation Computing for Sustainable Development
Group leader: Prof. PARK, JAESEOK - College of Computing and Informatics
Intelligent Precision Healthcare Division
Group leader: Prof. Sung-kil Lee - College of Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Creative HRD team of food science and biotechnology for Life-care
Group leader: Prof. Lee, Jae Hwan - College of Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Division of Next-generation Applied Bio-Technology (DNA-BT)
Group leader: Prof. Cho, Jae Youl