

Campus Asia

The Campus Asia Project is a trilateral program run by Korea, China, and Japan as the East Asian version of the famous Erasmus Programme in Europe. SKKU’s College of Liberal Arts and College of Law have been selected to participate in consortiums the project.

Over the duration of the project, SKKU has mutually exchanged students with the universities participating in the consortiums every year and carried out joint education and research.

Project Group
(Consortiums of the universities from 3 countries)
Project Title
Korea China Japan
SKKU Shandong University Nagasaki University Korea-China-Japan Intercollegiate Cooperative Project for Nurturing Leading Infrastructure Engineers
SKKU Jilin University Okayama University Training Human Resources for the Development of an Epistemic Community in Law and Political Science to Promote the Formation of "Jus Commune(Common Law)" in East Asia–Finding Cultural Collectivity through East Asian Classics
Seoul National University
Renmin University / Tsinghua University /
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Nagoya University Training Human Resources for the Development of an Epistemic Community in Law and Political Science to Promote the Formation of "Jus Commune(Common Law)" in East Asia
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