


2023 Sungkyun Awards Ceremony Held 2023.12.21
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2023 Sungkyun Awards Ceremony Held

-College of Engineering Professor Jun-young Lee, Strategic Planning Team, Sungkyun Broadcasting Station, and Alumni Gyu-yong Lee Selected for Grand Prize

On December 15th, our university held the 2023 Sungkyun Awards ceremony at the International Hall on the Humanities and Social Sciences campus.

Established in 1997, the 'Sungkyun of the Year' award, based on the educational philosophy of self-cultivation and the practice of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom, aims to reward professors, staff, and students who have made significant contributions to the development of the school in various fields. The award selects individuals or groups who, through outstanding accomplishments and unique contributions, have elevated the honor of Sungkyunkwan University and become exemplary figures for the Sungkyun family.

This year, a total of 10 individuals (teams) received awards in four categories. ▲ In the Education and Achievement category, Professor Jun-young Lee from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Polymer Science in the College of Engineering received the Grand Prize, Professor Hee-ok Lee from the Department of Political Science and Diplomacy in the College of Social Sciences received the Excellence Award, and Professor Eun-seok Ryu from the Department of Computer Education in the College of Education received the Outstanding Award.

▲교육·업적 부문에서 대상을 수상한 화학공학/고분자공학부 이준영 교수

▲교육·업적 부문에서 최우수상을 수상한 정치외교학과 이희옥 교수(왼쪽)과 우수상을 수상한 컴퓨터교육과 류은석 교수(오른쪽)

▲행정 부문에서는 전략기획팀이 대상을, 교무팀이 최우수상을, 재무팀이 우수상을 수상하였으며 ▲학생 부문에서는 대학언론사무국 성대방송국(SUBS)이 대상을, 학부대학 프레시맨가이드(FG)가 최우수상을, 사범대학 컴퓨터교육과 이민구 학부생이 우수상을 받았다.

▲행정 부문 대상을 수상한 전략기획팀

▲In the Administrative category, the Strategic Planning Team received the Grand Prize,

▲In the Student category, the University Press Office's Sungkyun Broadcasting Station (SUBS) received the Grand Prize,

▲the Freshman Guide (FG) from the Undergraduate School received the Excellence Award, and Min-gu Lee, a student in the Department of Computer Education in the College of Education, received the Outstanding Award

In a special category, ▲the Grand Prize was awarded to Chairman Gyu-yong Lee (Law '72) of Najain Co., Ltd., who donated 100 billion won to Sungkyunkwan University with the wish for the country's development through sustainable policy research and talent cultivation.

President Ji-beom Yoo, who attended the awards ceremony, congratulated all the winners, expressing sincere gratitude for their efforts. He stated, "We will continue to make bold challenges for the benefit of humanity and future society, striving to become a globally respected university."

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