


Hong Gyeongjae(Department of Global Economics), takes first place CPA examination 2015.03.14
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The Financial Supervisory Service announced the number of applicants who passed the 50th CPA examination in March 13. The list of the results in the CPA examination were posted on http://cpa.fss.or.kr and http://www.fsc.go.kr.


The lowest passing grade was 344.5(the average is 62.6). The pass rate compared to applicants is 20.34%.

Hong Gyeong-jae from Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)'s Department of Global Economics. was first place among thos who took the CPA examination. 


Media report :http://www.yonhapnews.co.kr/bulletin/2015/03/13/0200000000AKR20150313138700008.HTML?input=1195m


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