


Confucian Studies, Dean Shin Jeong-geun stirring humanities’ spring breeze 2015.03.27
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‘Human City Jongno, 2015 Spring & Summer Program’ starts in Hanuri hall in Jongno’s municipal building.


Dean Shin(College of Confucian Studies and Eastern Philosophy), who is also in charge of the Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) Institute of Confucian Philosophy and Culture, will start off this year’s program with his lecture ‘Understanding the humanities’ kingdom of Joseon through it’s palaces’. The program was  selected in a contest, ‘2014 Humanities City Support Project’ hosted by the National Research Foundation of Korea, when the Jongno’s ‘Humanities City Jongno, Finding the Future in 600 Years of Tradition’ was selected. The program starts off with the theme ‘Palaces’ that begins on the 26 and ends in late July.


In order to enhance their understanding and provide the opportunity to experience  humanities in the palaces first hand, the lecture will be held in 10 palaces, Changduck Palace Kyungbok Palace, Un-Heun Palace, Changkyung Palace etc.


Anyone interested in humanities can apply for the lectures, free of charge.


For more information, contact SKKU Institute of Confucian Philosophy & Culture(02-760-0797) or the Education Support Division in Jongno-gu(02-2148-1992)



Link to article: http://www.siminilbo.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=392573

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