


Contemplating on what ‘high added value work’ is 2015.06.26
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We have to express our thoughts through language and share it through words. Thus, that which we call literature and writing may use grammar and idioms to express meaning, in it’s eccense, it is human thought.
Since literary works represent the human intellect, the value of it is not measuredby the quantity but rather by its usage and qualitively added value . The is why we call people who write ‘Authors’, and  acknowledge their intellects and creative ability.

The development of softwares and semiconductor chips in the engineering sector is very similar to writing literature in its process. In the developing process for softwares and chips, language is used as an explanatory tool for various purposes and applications, and can be cited or plagiarized.

In order to differentiate from hardware (hardware : physical components that make up the computer system), the term software has been included. We call a software program as a series of orders instructing the computer hardware programs to do its task. Therefore the software programs have a direct access to the system’s operation routine. Commonly software programs are saved in hard drive other external drives such as magnetic disks.
Software developers can be classified into two distinct groups, software architects and programmers. Architects have to understand every system and construct the structure. Compared with architecture, one can day that they are architectural designers. Also architects have to understand the main system and algorithms in building the semiconductor chips.

Thus software and chip inventions can be compared to writing literatures. In writing, good thoughts are not the only conditions for fully successful literary work. Without having any idea or thoughts on work itself, no work can be accomplished. Creative ideas make system structure and algorithms for the softwares and chips, which is constructed as commands for the hardware

In writing if the idea is not properly expressed, writers will modify constantly. This process is similar to simulation in the development of technology. Also, people acknowledge software and chip construction by their qualities and not the amount.

In ancient Korean language ‘writer’ means the person who builds the house. Building software can be seen as constructing a building.

Primary in construction what you build, such as apartments, villas, schools, shops, parks, roadways, etc has to be thought out. All these can be understood as  simulation in contructing a city.

The importance in all this is having creative thinking. In order to comprehend the human intellect, psychological understanding is required. Therefore, in order to be an architect, studying humanities and sociology majors is also necessary.

Architects who can only can build houses by referring to a drawing or design, are just simple software programmer or chip engineers. In the damw sence a great writers is not  one who use good rhetoric, but one who uses good literary structures. Practice is a great way to improve one’s quality; however, this alone cannot make a successful writer.

What does 'high added value work' mean?

As an engineer chip developer and software programmer, differentiation from what now exists is achieved through creative thinking. This constitutes most of the high level design sector that decides the chips perameters. In softeware development this is done by the software architect, and in chip designs it is the system designer. Eventually these are the ones who are the most recognized.

In literary works, it is important to make the story in a certain way, by amking relationships and  the beginning and placing characters Eventually a well respected auther needs an abundance of experience and deep intropection. Thus, it is the same to what an archetct is to engineering.


Prof. Kim, Yong-serk,  College of Information and Communications

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