


SKKU team develops world’s thinnest semiconductor, thickness of 0.25 nm 2015.06.26
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게시글 내용

SungKyunKwan University(SKKU) research team have developed the world’s thinnest semiconductor, a thickness of an atomic layer.


On June 25, SKKU Department of Physics Prof. Ahn Jong-real’s team announced that they were successful in developing a thin film semiconductor with a  thickness of 0.25nm (Nanometer: 1nm is 1 over 1 billion m), the maximum limit for nano fabrication. Compared with the thinnest in use 15nm semiconductor,it is 1/60, and with the next generation 10nm semiconductor, it is 1/40 the thickness.
The research team was able to achieve this by placing graphene and boron nitride alloy on the silicon carbide semiconductor substrate which reduced it to 0.25nm. Taking notice that both graphene and boron nitride take on a a honeycomb,6 sided, structure, they placed them horizontally. After fabrecating the semiconductor circuit to make the basic transistor structure, in this way, they conducted a test to find out the function was exactly the same with that of existing transistors.


Professor Ahn said, ‘If we have the technology to mass produce silicon carbide substrate cheaply, than this semiconductor product would be in a market in a next 4 years.’

SKKU Department of Physics Prof. Ahn Jong-real



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