


SKKU Alumni Vice Chairman Hong, Sung-chil, Committee of the Administrative Adjudication 2015.07.09
  • 이승한
  • Views : 7947
게시글 내용


If we export the Administrative Appeal System to China, local businesses can immediately get a support.

Hong, Sung-chil, Vice Chairman on the Committee of the Administrative Adjudication, kept emphasizing the need of export to China in the interview with Asian Economics.


If we export the Administrative Appeal System to China, local businesses can immediately get support.

The term ‘Korean Wave’ is very common in popular culture, but ‘Administrative Korean Wave’ sound fairly awkward. Vice Chairman Hong has assigned to do the hard work to make the foundation of the Korean administrative.


Hong Chairman have said that if there is some positive outcomes through the export, then the phase of the county will grow as well as the economic growth.

Currently the priority for Chairman Hong have been looking toward to is China. China already has started the Administrative Appeal System, similar to Korean’s of 1999.


Few days after amending the Administrative appeal law, China is examining several countries including Korea. Chairman Hong said, “This is the time to make a strong foundation in China through the administrative appeal system.”


We are not trying to export without any plans. Chairman Hong said, “Our Administrative Appeal System can be called as the world’s best.” Also he said, “Even Japaneses are bench marking our system.”


The Administrative Appeal System has been around for 30 years and is still getting larger and larger. Chairman Hong said, “Our Korean Administrative Appeal System is very independent, is gaining recognition.”


Chairman Hong graduated from SungKyunKwan University(SKKU)’s Law school, and was appointed Judge. After that he became a government lawyer and served in various important roles.


<The Committee of the Administrative Adjudication, Vice Chairman Hong Sung-chil>





Link to media: http://view.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2015070611081273870

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