


Global Business teaching volunteer club, SOT’s mentor camp 2015.07.16
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From July 11 to 12, Sungkyunkwan University Global-Business club ‘Share Our Talents’ (SOT) opened a mentor camp. The mentees were 70 students from the Pung-Moon Girl’s Highschool. The topic for this years camp, which marks its third installment, was “Things I should have known in 9th grade” and “First summer break, it’s never too late!”


The first day started with ‘Ice Breaking’ and lecture classes: ‘Understanding myself’, ‘Core Korean’, ‘Guide to Math’, ‘About Planner’, and ‘University, what’s there?‘.


On the second day a campus tour was organized followed by recreation and lecture classes:  ‘Studying Korean History’, ‘About English’ and ‘Our future jobs’. and the day ended with the event entitled “Sending letter the day before the SAT.”
“When we were doing the last program ’Sending letter the day before the SAT’, I was surprised at how serious the kids were about it. Some students cried while they made their presentation and this was very unexpected. Overall I think the camp helped students boost their willingness to study harder. It was rewarding when we were contacted by the students even after the camp was over.” said one of the mentor in the camp, Kim Min Woo (Global Business).





< SOT menmbers >


< SOT mentor class with studnets from Pung-Moon Girl’s Highschool >


< SOT mentor lecture class in session>


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