


SKK GSB Completed Mini-MBA Session at 13th Asian Leadership Conference 2022.07.21
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SKK GSB Completed Mini-MBA Session at 13th Asian Leadership Conference

The 13th Asian Leadership Conference (ALC) hosted by Chosun Media was held at the Shilla Hotel in Seoul on July 13 and 14. SKK GSB successfully conducted two mini-MBA sessions: "New Economic Response Investment Pattern", and "Beyond Hybrid Workplaces: Post-Pandemic Business Operation Measures."

The first session, "New Economic Response Investment Patterns," introduced global investment trends focusing on the national level and on climate change. Professor Youngju Nielsen introduced various cases in the technology, food, and energy sectors of the country's trend towards growth through investment. Prof. Nielsen asserted that securing source technology through strategic overseas investment is crucial, acknowledging the importance of fostering each area simultaneously. Prof. Nielsen was followed by Ben Meng, Chairman at Franklin Templeton, who introduced changes in global investment trends due to climate change. He spoke about the problem of the current situation of two missing I’s: Information, and Incentive. He suggested the possible solutions of disclosing crisis information,  and establishing carbon emission prices based on incentives.

The second session, “Beyond Hybrid Workplaces: Post-Pandemic Business Operations Measures,” introduced new challenges that corporations face and countermeasures specified in human resource operational strategies. Anirudh Suri, the founder of the Indian Internet Fund, explained the disruptions caused by geopolitical power shifts in diverse relations such as inter-governmental cooperation, conglomerates and start-ups, and inter-industries. He advised paving the way for the changes based on a deep understanding of the geopolitical power game changes. Next, Prof. Annelise Riles of Northwestern University, also a director at the Roberta Buffet Institute, proposed how to sustain innovation and progress in the post-pandemic era. She proposed fostering skills to advance beyond limits, to become ‘cooperative geniuses.’

Eric Shih, Dean of SKK GSB, said, "Participating in the Asian Leadership Conference for two consecutive years, it was possible to share analysis and insights with experts in each field and academia on global issues. We will continue the in-depth and lively discussion next year."

The replay of Mini MBA sessions at 2022 Asian Leadership Conference  at the official website: https://alc.chosun.com/2022/en/.

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