


Holiday Nagging; Common Global Phenomenon 2016.09.19
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  • Views : 5676
게시글 내용

Stress from nagging during the holiday season is a common phenomenon around the world. SKKU surveyed 253 international students currently attending the university and 59.5% of the total (144 students) answered they “feel stressed from nagging about marriage, job, career, etc., when relatives gather during holidays.”


However, the result showed that Asian students, especially Koreans, are feeling the highest pressure from holiday nagging, followed by Europe, Africa, South America, and North America. A student from the US said “relatives don’t give a lot of pressure, and if they do, they are not as harsh as in Korea.” Another student from Sri Lanka expressed “I think pressure about marriage is the most severe. Enforcing marriage without an opinion for the contracting parties (in a marriage) is like a crime.”


Even though Asian students feel the biggest pressure during holidays, they also get more homesick than other nationalities. For the question “Are you feeling homesick especially during the holidays?” 73% of Asian students answered “yes”.


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