


College of Education held the ‘3rd Education Forum [DESIGN YOUR LIFE]’ 2016.11.08
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게시글 내용
College of Education (Dean: Jae Bong YOO) held the 3rd 杏亶 Education Forum [DESIGN YOUR LIFE] on Nov 1st (Tue) 9:00AM – 12:00PM at Business Building Room 33B101, with the special guest Hyung Jung CHO, the President of Bit Computer Corporation. The special guest invitation was arranged by prof. Mi Ryang KIM of Computer Education in College of Education.


Mr. CHO of Bit Computer gave a lecture with the subject “Future? Tsunami of Chaos is coming” and he talked about “Things to prepare for 20’s in the accordance of change in jobs from technology development” later on. He emphasized that “problem solving skills are more important than spec in order to get jobs, and if you have problem solving skills, even start-up is possible” from the experience he had in his 20s.


Also, he talked about time management, immersion, and patriotism he had developed to become a software expert, and successfully delivered the message that “without challenge, without outcome.”


At the end of the forum, he highlighted the importance of software education by saying that “like USA and India’s case, our country should offer mandatory software education from the lower grades so that many young people live in a bright future. Learning software is hard at the beginning, but it can become a very fun activity to play once you reach a certain level, like other activities. So don’t be afraid and challenge yourself to become software experts.”


At the faculty meeting, College of Education agreed to continue holding 杏亶 Education Forum, and they asked each department to recommend lecturers or alumni. 


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