


Traditional and Unique Freshman Orientation, ‘Shin Bang Rye’ was held 2018.03.21
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To welcome the new semester of 2018, 250 freshmen, including international students, participated in SKKU’s traditional and unique orientation ‘Shin Bang Rye’, held at the Humanities and Social Sciences Campus from March 10th ~ 11th.


성균관대만의 특별한 신입생 환영회, 신방례(新榜禮)


‘Shin Bang Rye’ is a traditional freshmen orientation stemming from the Joseon Dynasty, where newcomers can learn about the education curriculum, campus life, and expected behavior.


The event that commenced during the ‘Shin Bang Rye’ ritual process are as follows: Al-Sung (commemorative rites in front of Dae-Sung-Jun), Sang-Eup-Rye (formal greetings between seniors and freshman students), Shin-Bang-Rye (welcoming party by sharing food), and Myun-Shin-Rye (initiation ceremony where senior students provides various tasks to freshmen).


For 2018 Shin Bang Rye, 27 international students from various countries, including China, France, Morocco, Germany, Czech Republic, Vietnam, etc. participated to experience the culture and history of the Joseon Dynasty.


“We tried to make a unique orientation by combining traditional and modern environments. We will continuously try our best to organize special and unique events with novel ideas,” said student Min Gyung OH, president of the student association ‘Chung Ryang’.

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