


Prof. Seonkuk KIM’s team develop system monitoring the durability of phototransmittance based structure 2019.05.14
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Professor Seonkuk KIM’s research team (lead author: Hyelin LIM/ co-author: Seongin HONG) announced that they have published an article on the “Advanced Materials” about their research on developing a system to monitor the durability of phototransmittance based structure.


Prof. KIM’s team cooperated with Prof. Hanseung LEE’s team from Hanyang University to design a monitoring system by quantifying deterioration factor inside the concrete. 


The research team developed a multifunctional monitoring technology by using a unique structure that arrays IGZO phototransistor into layers.

[Figure 1] monitoring system

Prof. Seonkuk KIM said, “We are anticipating that this research will overcome the limitation of the previous monitoring system.”

[Figure 2] monitoring result

Prof. KIM is conducting researches on two-dimensional materials and post-generation nano-bio electronic devices. This research was conducted under the sponsorship of the National Research Foundation of Korea.

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