

SKKU News - University

Basic Science Research Institute ‘N Center’ Building Completion Ceremony 2015.09.11
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Institute of Basic Sciences (IBS) and Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) announced that they will be holding a building completion ceremony at the Natural Science Campus of SKKU in Suwon on SEP. 10, and to celebrate this an international academic conference, ‘2015 IBS Conference at SKKU’. will be also held on SEP. 11.
N Center, standing for Nano and Neuro, is the research facility for the IBS research divisions of ‘Nano Structure Physics Research Group’ (Headed by Prof. Lee, Young Hee) and ‘Neuro-imaging Research Group’(Headed by Prof. Kim, Sung Ki) which SKKU was successful in procuring.


‘N Center is a large size research center is an 8 story comples with 2 basement floors, covering a space of 27,570㎡ and is expected to become a key facility for collective research.


In the ceremony Chairman for SKKU Board of Directors Dr. Seo, Jeong Don, President Chung, Kyun Sang, IBS President Prof. Kim Doo Chul, Assistant mayer for Suwon city Mr. Kim, Dong Geun, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning’s head for Research Development Policy Mr. Park, Jae Moon,  Head of Nano Structure Physics Research Group Prof. Lee, Young Hee, Head for Neuro-imaging Research Group Prof. Kim, Sung Ki and 200 other guests will be attending.


At the academic conference held after the completion ceremony, Korean and international specialists will participate and share recent research developments in graphene, carbon nanotubes,  thermoelement, neuro-imaging and more.


 “This will be provide a surrounding where scientists can fully immerse in their research” said IBS President Kim, and added “we anticipate fervourous  research and creative knowledge creation to be vigorously carried out at this new research facility.” 




Link to media report: http://news1.kr/articles/?2413647


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