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SKKU held 11th Sungkyun Writing Contest in China 2019.04.30
  • 국제교류팀
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SKKU held the “11th Sungkyun Writing Contest” at the Beijing Yulong International Hotel’s Grand Ballroom on April 28th.

In this year’s Sungkyun Writing Contest, 61 students from 52 universities in China have been selected to write after going through the preliminary round. Students competed their Korean writing skills by writing an essay on “neighbor”.

Prof. Myunghak LEE (the chairman of the contest) said, “The Sungkyun Writing Contest has become a “culture” in China. I hope it becomes a good opportunity to understand two cultures through writing.”Prior to the main event, they distributed books that compiled the prize-winning works of the previous participants. 

The gold prize winner of the contest was Euiroe HA (4th year) from the Beijing Foreign Studies University. HA said, “I’m puzzled. I didn’t expect to win this award. I want to go to Korea for studies and take the role of encouraging exchange between two countries.”The silver prize and bronze prize went to Yecho YOOK and Dongyang Joo respectively. 

The Sungkyun Writing Contest was held in different regions such as China, Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Southeast Asia for 10 years. The purpose of the contest is not only to spread the excellence of Korean writing system “Hangul” to the world, but also to communicate and spread the unique value of Korea. It is also famous for having special prize. The winners of gold and silver prize are exempted from tuition for 2 years when they study at a graduate school of SKKU. Also, SKKU gives out the latest Samsung mobile phone, laptop and tablet pc to the winners. 

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