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SKK GSB ranked as No.1 MBA program in Korea and No. 54 in the world by FT 2017.02.01
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□ SKK GSB (Dean: Jae Ha LEE) has been ranked as the No. 1 in Korea, No. 11 in Asia, and No. 54 in the world for ‘Global MBA Ranking 2017’, assessed by the Financial Times.


□ FT provides ‘Top 100 Global MBA Ranking’ every year. This year, Insead (France) was nominated as the No.1 MBA program, while Stanford Graduate School of Business (USA) and University of Pennsylvania Wharton School (USA) were assessed at No. 2 and No. 3 respectively. As a business school in Asia, CEIBS (China) was listed the highest at No. 11., while SKK GSB was ranked No. 54, making the top 100 (annually since 2012). Furthermore, FT has chosen SKK GSB as the best MBA program in Korea for 6 consecutive years.



SKK GSB 외국인 교수


□ At this evaluation, SKK GSB gained large points at Career development of graduate students, Internationalization, and Program diversity. In particular, among the 12 business schools assessed in the global top 100 MBA programs, SKK GSB has raised its status as a prestigious business school in Asia. It was done this by received excellent assessments such as the following; No.2 in career development program, No. 4 in value of investment, No. 4 in satisfaction for MBA goal achievement, and No. 4 in students’ overseas experience.


□ SKK GSB’s research ability of faculties also received outstanding recognition by being nominated as No.3 in Asia. The institute has put in a large amount of effort for several years to provide world class programs; last year, 4 international faculties were invited from Wharton School, Insead, Indiana University, etc. They also pursue diversity in programs with 65% of the faculties are come from internationally and 32% of students being international; as well as providing courses in 100% English.


□ Jae Ha LEE, the Dean of SKK GSB made a comment on the evaluation as “it is very rewarding result for us to be listed again in the top 50 of global MBA programs, especially under this difficult economic environment inside and outside of Korea. Our MBA program is very distinguished as it offers ‘Action-Based Learning’ which can be applied to work right away. We will try our best so that talented individuals can continuously receive the best MBA education.”



이재하 GSB원장

                                                           Jae Ha LEE, Dean of SKK GSB



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