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SKKU signs MoU with Multi Campus 2019.03.18
  • 국제교류팀
  • Views : 7470
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SKKU has signed a MoU with Multi Campus on March 7th to expand industrial-education cooperation.

With this agreement, two institutions have established the ground to cooperate in different areas such as global education business, AI-Bio open courses and etc., to achieve school’s new motto, “Student Success”. 

Last year, SKKU has opened SKKUx (www.skkux.org) to promote open courses.

President Dong Ryeol SHIN said, “SKKU is becoming an entrepreneurial university with the capacity to encompass the needs of the companies. We will promote the development and expansion of courses relevant to the 4th industry such as AI and Bio to create social value and support “Student Success”.” 

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