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Korean Society of Psychological Measurement and Assessment held spring conference 2019.05.03
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게시글 내용

The Korean Society of Psychological Measurement and Assessment (Chairman: Prof. Seungui DO, SKKU) held its annual spring conference on April 27th at SKKU.

The society has been researching on qualitative/quantitative research methodology that can be applied in different areas of study and have publicized their research by hosting conferences.

The topic of the spring conference was on“Potential hierarchical analysis model using the Mplus program”. They conducted a step-by-step tutorial session explaining the research methodologies. Also, four research topics were presented during the conference. 

Chairman Prof. Seungui DO argued, “data analytic skill is important in the modern society. We aim to develop andeducate qualitative/quantitative research methodologies that can be used widely in the society.” 

Original Article (Korean): https://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn?mode=LSD&sid1=102&oid=022&aid=0003358333

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