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SKKU, No. 1 Private University in NCSI for 14 Consecutive Years 2020.12.07
  • Office of International Relations
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SKKU, No. 1 Private University in NCSI for 14 Consecutive Years

According to the National Customer Satisfaction Index (NCSI), which surveyed students from 15 private universities in the metropolitan area, Sungkyunkwan University ranked first for 14 consecutive years with 78 points. Hanyang University and Ewha Womans University tied for second, Kyung Hee University for fourth, and Sookmyung Women’s University and Ajou University for fifth.

SKKU has established “VISION 2020+” and creates research results with the aim of becoming a “true global leading university.” In particular, it pursues innovative changes across schools, ranging from education, research, industry-university collaboration and management, to create “universities that innovate and share for student success.” In line with untact classes, SKKU operated a ‘Rapid Response Team’ of about 40 staffs and administrative assistants from related departments to facilitate online classes. It operates an integrated call center related to online classes to receive requests for related inquiries and resolve them quickly. Efforts were made to ensure high-quality online classes by providing on-site support to teachers, ranging from supporting equipment and technology related to content production to monitoring. University provided undergraduate students additional three credits to take and the maximum number of classes was increased by 20 percent. To prepare the situation that many students access online classes at the same time, university added more servers. Sungkyunkwan University operates Challenge Semester during the summer break and provides various curricular, non-curricular, international, and internship programs for free.

SKKU has opened the Global Learning Management System (LMS) since the first semester of this year. LMS is a system that integrates and manages students’ grades, progress and attendance, and supports various forms of classes and interactive learning, including online classes and flip learning, as well as offline classes. In the first semester of this year, a team building event was held for freshmen who did not have a chance to visit campus due to the COVID-19. Also, recreation and campus tour were held in compliance with quarantine guidelines.

*Original Article: https://www.chosun.com/economy/industry-company/2020/12/07/E34MECHDTFANJGLUBPJ5BTOG3Q/

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