Innovation- Promote convergence education and re-establish roles of SKKU Institute of Convergence (Academic hub for convergence education)
- Expand and support interdisciplinary programs
- Impose e-portfolio that induces self-directed learning/career development and reconstruct i-campus
- Introduce guidance system for all SKKU students and Improve data-based education quality
- Strategic recruitment of outstanding graduate students and maintain research competitiveness as a research-oriented university
Research- Strategic development for 3 new academic convergence fields
- Enhance quality-oriented research competition
- Provide support for research experts for building sustainable research systems
- Promote academic exchanges for joint-research vitalization
- Encourage researchers through integrated support system for outstanding faculty members
Cooperation- Strive to become a Global Entrepreneurial University
- Lead Academic – Industrial cooperation for new businesses
- Foster specialized start-up models on each campus
- Interregional linkage and specialized Academic–Industrial cooperation for regional businesses
Power- Operate SKKU Brand Design Committee
- Expand mobile communication channels
- Establish a brand of SKKU Culture
- Develop consulting system for university/college evaluation on competitiveness
- Strengthen Global Challenger Program
Innovation- Establish Well-Life in Campus
- Establish university management system based on Big Data
- Spread Global SKKU Culture (Develop SKKU Global Center)
- Design future campus (Campus Integration)