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SKKU Produces the Most Successful Candidates for the 2022 State/Foreign Service Examination 2022.10.12
  • Office of International Affairs
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SKKU Produces the Most Successful Candidates

 for the 2022 State/Foreign Service Examination

SKKU accomplished the splendid achievement of producing the most qualified candidates for the 2022 5th Grade State (Administration & Technology)/Foreign Service examination, announced on October 3. SKKU produced 24 out of 236 candidates for the Administration exam, 10 out of 87 for the Technology exam, 3 out of 40 Foreign Services Candidates, and 3 out of 10 Advanced Court Administration exam (announced by the Supreme Court in June). As such, the number of qualified candidates from SKKU in 2022 is 40, showing off historically the best result. Especially, in the case of the Technology exam, SKKU scored the highest number of successful candidates in history.

The good news was also brought up with the best qualification candidates. The glory of top qualified candidates was granted to; the Technology exam (Mechanical) LEE, Taegyoung (School of Mechanical Engineering), Foreign Services exam KIM, Gyeongmin (Department of Media & Communication), and Advanced Court Administration exam PARK, Wonkyu (School of Chemical Engineering).

The qualified candidates are listed below.

SKKU Career Development Center is managing public examination classes for those who prepare for public service or professional certificates. The center provides various programs, running the Administration/Foreign Service/CPA examination preparation class at Yanghyon-gwan Student Quarters, and operating the Technology/Patent Agent exam preparation class in Unyongjae (Engineering Licensure Preparation Class). The excellence of these classes has been proven since the 80% of this year’s qualified candidates from SKKU have been produced by the preparation classes.

Prof. Sang Hoon Bae (Head of SKKU Career Development Center), said, “The status of SKKU in the field of public examinations and professional certificates is getting higher. Especially, in the case of the state examination, the significance becomes large as it contributes to the country. It is a good opportunity for students to make their dreams come true so we hope more students to challenge and take interest in it.”

※ Inquiries: https://www.skku.edu/skku/campus/support/employment_2.do

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