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Special Lecture by Bank of America Seoul Branch CEO Hyunwook Lim Completed Under Success 2022.11.16
  • Office of International Affairs
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Special Lecture by Bank of America Seoul Branch CEO Hyunwook Lim

 Completed Under Success

- Unstinting Realistic Advises for Global Banking Careers

Bank of America Seoul branch CEO Dr. Hyunwook Lim’s special lecture was held in International Hall on Nov. 10 (Thur). A total of about 70 students, including 10 exchange students, participated in the lecture and the passionate Q&A session lasted way longer than the originally planned 90 minutes session which finished two hours later.

Starting from foreign exchange FX task in KOLON Corp., CEO Lim previously worked at KDB Industrial Bank, Deutsche Bank Seoul branch & Singapore branch, and Standard Chartered Bank Singapore branch. He became the CEO of the Bank of America Seoul branch in 2015.

He is an expert in international finance, especially in the Fixed Income, Currency, and Commodities (FICC) field, achieving MBA from Duke University (US), and a doctoral degree in Industrial Engineering from Yonsei University this year. Not only that he proved outstanding performance in business but also in the academic field by publishing a paper titled ‘Neural network foreign exchange trading system using CCS-IRS basis: Empirical evidence from Korea’ in SCIE journal, ESA.

CEO Lim gave advice from various angles for students preparing for a global banking career. He recommended building a career in Asia such as Singapore and Hong Kong and gave advice on obtaining CFA or CPA certificates according to his desired job, preparing for interviews for a global banking career, and giving advice on his mindset in the field.

As a financial market trader, he shared his own experiences about the point that majors do not matter, the difference between IB departments of investment banks, the difference between traders and sales, the importance of English Communication skills, stress & cultures of a specific field, and importance of Bloomberg terminal manipulation and coding skills, helping students to prepare for their careers more realistic and specific way.

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