

SKKU News - Research

C-language Data Structure/Algorithm Bootcamp Extracurricular Special Course 2023.01.09
  • Office of International Relations
  • Views : 5878
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C-language Data Structure/Algorithm Bootcamp Extracurricular Special Course

The first C-language Data Structure/Algorithm Bootcamp Extracurricular Special Lecture, hosted by Sungkyun Edu-tech Research Institute (Director Prof. Eun Seok Ryu) and held by SKKU Artificial Intelligence Innovation Sharing University Project Group (Director Jae Hyoun Kim), was held for 19 days from December 12 to 30.

This extracurricular special lecture had 22 students from SKKU undergraduate and was led by Computer Education student Jong Bum Jeong. In this special lecture, students practiced not only just theories but also the basic data structures of C-language such as stack, queue, linked list, binary search tree, and heap.

In addition, the participants studied basic algorithms based on C++ standard template libraries (STL) such as dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, Dijkstra, and Prim’s algorithm. They also had some time to try the Baekjoon algorithm problem and Kakao New Recruit Coding Test problems. At the end of the lecture, there was a special lecture by a current developer from the Computer Educations alumni, discussing advice focusing on practical works.

Prof. Jae Hyoun Kim, Prof. Eun Seok Ryu, and Industry Prof. Jang Hyeon Kim attended the completion ceremony, and the student who completed this special lecture said, "I was able to plan how to prepare for the coding test and think about my career with a lecture by the senior developer.", expressing feelings about the participation.

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