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Education and Future Institute Opens the 5th National Talent Development Strategy Forum 2023.02.21
  • Office of International Affairs
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Education and Future Institute Opens the 5th National Talent Development Strategy Forum

 -explored strategies for fostering future talents for the mutual development of universities and cities

Education and Future Institute (Prof. Sang Hoon Bae) held the 5th National Talent Development Strategy Forum with the topic of ‘advancement of strategies in universities and cities for talent development’ with the affiliates of the Ministry of Education, related corporations, and universities on February 20th at the 600th Anniversary Hall of Humanities and Social Sciences Campus. This is the fifth time since the first forum was held on October 31st last year under the theme of “the time for massive conversion, strategy for national education and talent development’.

This forum is designed to find solutions to issues of △ Regional extinction due to population decline△ Deepening class conflict due to socio-economic gaps △ Extinction of local universities with the gathering of its related experts for the advancement of both universities and cities.

The forum started with an opening address of Prof. Sang Hoon Bae and a welcoming speech by President Jibeom Yoo and was divided into four sessions. The first session was led by Prof. So-young Park (Director of Regional Human Resources Policy Division, Ministry of Education) who focused on the ‘regional innovation-centered university support system (RISE) project with a plan to expand financial support for universities led by local governments’. The second session was led by Mr. Byung-tae Yun, mayor of Naju, who focused on nurturing local talents from the point of the local government. He explained the meaning of talent development and highlighted “Naju City Training Strategy and Tasks” and their strategies to promote talent training.

In the third session, Prof. Oh Do Chang of Kongyang University and Vice President of Industry-University Cooperation presented the survival tactics of local universities and strategies for fostering local talents under the topic of “measures to develop local universities linked to local government from the university’s point of view”. In the fourth session, Prof. Yong Serk Kim (Electronic and Electrical Engineering and Vice President of The Institute of Semiconductor Engineers) presented an issue of ‘nurturing local talent through industry-academic cooperation’.

President Jibeom Yoo said, “the time now is marked as important more than ever in overcoming the regional crisis which calls for the strategic alliance and cooperation of the city and university” and “through this forum, I hope that it will help universities and cities to fulfill their roles and responsibilities as a mutual community.”

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