

SKKU News - Research

Prof. Jonghwan SEO & Jaedo NAM win a project from US Air Force Research Laboratory 2019.07.08
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SKKU’s two professors (Prof. Junghwan SEO from Mechanical Engineering department, Prof. Jaedo NAM from Chemical Engineering department) each obtained an order from the US Air Force Research Laboratory (hereafter AFRL).

The responsible program managers from the AFRL visited SKKU on June 27th to meet with Dean Junyoung LEE and two professors and discussed about the projects. The research team will visit the AFRL in Ohio, USA in late September for the development of the joint research project.

Prof. SEO’s team proposed to develop a 3D printing material by using bamboo fibre. Bamboo is the fasted growing plant in the world and it is possible to harvest once every three years. It has been proven to be an excellent eco-friendly material for reinforcement. 

Prof. NAM’s team proposed to research on high polymerized composite materials that can cover electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic wave-covering technology has become important with the rise of 5G communication technology such as auto-drive vehicles, AI, IoT and etc.

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