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The College of Education Conducted 2020 Education Practice Online Orientation 2020.05.14
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The College of Education Conducted 2020Education Practice Online Orientation 

The College of Education (Dean, Prof. Jae-hyoun Kim) conducted the 2020 education practice orientation online due to COVID-19. The online orientation, which was conducted through the video conference-based program ZOOM, involved Prof. Kim and about 210 students who engaged in education practices with principals of high schools in each region.

Principal of Sunlin Internet High School(Seoul) Byung-ok Kwon, Principal of Daejeon Imun High School (Daejeon) Dong-chunKim, and Principal of Jeonggwan High School (Busan) Hyuk-je Kwon participatedas representatives of each local high school, explained the attitude of prospectiveteachers, and emphasized that all students who are going into the education fieldare ambassadors representing Sungkyunkwan University.

Education practice is a four-week training program that involves teaching middle and high school students at the school site, which is a condition for obtaining a teacher’s certificate. The training for the first semester of this year will be conducted differently depending on the schedule of each school due to COVID-19.

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